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Take Your Free One-Minute Matrix Assessment!

One-Minute Matrix Assessment

What’s in Your Way to achieving Organizational Effectiveness and a Culture of Success?

At MMI, we help organizations EVOLVE. We transform their operations, so they can achieve true organizational effectiveness. The evolution process starts by gathering insight into potential causes of common operational challenges that could be limiting the organization’s ability to execute its strategy.

In this survey, we are going to ask you about some challenges you may have, and in the report that follows, we’ll provide feedback on some potential root causes of those challenges.  


1. Select any of the following statements that describe your organization. (Choose as many statements as apply.) *

2. Choose one of the following statements that best describes where senior leaders stand on the issues identified in Question 1.*

3. Which of the following obstacles to addressing your selected challenges apply to your organization? (Choose as many obstacles as apply.)*