Are you leading a medium to large-sized organization with multiple business strategies? If so, you are operating in a matrix, and effectively pursuing more than one business strategy simultaneously requires matrix maturity. Matrix-mature organizations use an up-to-date organizational operating system.
All Organizational Operating Systems Are Not Created Equal
The old Vertical Management (VM 1.0) simply doesn’t enable you to achieve multi-faceted goals effectively and efficiently, and neither does the old Matrix Management (MM 1.0) operating system, which still requires authority in order to lead. In the Matrix Management 1.0 system, the business remains vertically focused rather than horizontally focused, and priorities are still primarily defined by vertical functions.
In order to achieve matrix maturity, and shift your focus to the horizontal dimension where your business runs and where you align with your customers, you need to adopt a 21st-century organizational operating system, or risk becoming obsolete.
Shifting the Management and Leadership Paradigm

Adopting a new operating system like Matrix Management 2.0™ (MM 2.0™) that truly supports your strategies is no simple task. The leap from Vertical Management 1.0 or Matrix Management 1.0 to the first level of Matrix Management 2.0™ maturity requires a significant paradigm shift in the way you think about managing and leading an organization. Letting go of managing solely from your verticals and shifting to managing two-dimensionally — both horizontally and vertically — will be the most difficult leg of your journey to matrix maturity.
The Matrix Maturity Roadmap
Each level of matrix maturity is tied to a SPARC™ Key — Structure, Productivity, Accountability, Relationship Management and Collaborative Leadership — the foundations of Matrix Management 2.0™. Becoming more matrix mature isn’t always a linear path on the roadmap. You don’t necessarily need to achieve the highest level of maturity for every SPARC™ Key. Your business strategy might require you to be at level 3 for the leadership keys (ARC) and level 2 for the organizational keys (SPA).
Progression through the 5 levels of the Matrix Management 2.0™ Maturity Model requires commitment, hard work, and patience — qualities that are essential in today’s quickly changing business environment. Defining what level of maturity is right for your organization is one facet of creating a robust and effective organizational strategy that supports the business strategy or strategies you’ve defined.
Which Way Do I Go From Here?
Are you ready to begin building the future of your matrix organization? Get started by taking our free One-Minute Matrix Assessment and find out where you need to go — then take one more step, and one more, and you’re on the road to success!
If you’d like to find out more about Matrix Management 2.0™, we invite you to read our book, Matrix Management Reinvented: Book 1 – The New Game in Town.
Dear Paula
I am from South Africa. I appreciate your model and wish to engage you as an academic and consultant.
Dr Len Mortimer
University of Stellenbosch