Teams form the primary unit of structure in complex organizations. Whether in-person or remote, these groups unite stakeholders from across the organization to deliver an outcome, such as producing a deliverable or governing the organization. Regardless of the specific goal, teams come together in meetings to do many things, including making decisions. This virtual course develops participants’ skills in facilitating a structured, collaborative decision-making process in the context of running an effective meeting.
Teams use MMI’s Decision-Making Game to introduce the stages and steps of the DCID™ decision-making process. Participants adopt different roles throughout the program to practice managing group dynamics. The role of team leader allows them to apply different facilitation techniques, and together, the group works through a case study to make team-based decisions.
Learning Objectives:
Participants who complete this virtual course will do the following:
- Understand the key factors that lead to consensus
- Practice using a collaborative decision-making process as a team
- Apply core facilitation techniques in a meeting
- Identify the stages of a collaborative meeting process
- Learn how a structured meeting process creates more effective, efficient meetings
Project leaders, team leaders and members, steering team leaders and members
Recommended Length:
1.5 days. Covers both strategic and basic decision-making processes. 1 day. Covers basic decision-making process.
Recommended Class Size:
20 to 24
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